Monday, April 20, 2020


I don't agree with (God's) actions. That wasn't the right way to loose her virginity. First she went upstairs with (Five), but he was soft and couldn't ejaculate. He was just going to say he wasn't going to kiss and tell. But I think he was embarrassed. However, I think (God) thought she was being cool. So she was showing off in front of the fraternity and became curious about sex. So she probably figured that she wanted to find out what the hype was all about. When she started crying at the end, I guess deep inside she regretted what she had done and she couldn't go back. Was (Oprah) going to brag to his friends that he hit that? Is (God) going to tell that (Oprah) was thinking about (Nutella), or would she keep it a secret? Who knows?


  1. She became hypocritical towards her own self by judging Nutella at first, but when curiosity kills the cat, she wouldn't have seemed so godly-like anymore. I agree that once she realizes that she lost her virginity, theres a strong possibility that the respect she gained from the rest of the fraternity would be lost. Oprah may keep the secret of taking her virginity to himself, probably because he respected her so much for writing that poem in rendition of Nutella and his reputation.

  2. This is an interesting point, Shiann. I think that the story makes us think about Oprah b/c he's been sort of an invisible narrator up until the end. But really we should also ask ourselves, what about Melanie? How will this change her?


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