Saturday, February 15, 2020

On the Collection

I just wanted to maybe start a conversation or at least to share my thoughts on re-using papers. Now to be clear I don't mean double dipping, what I mean is editing and finishing a paper started for another class. I got a paper I wrote a while back that I want to finish, it's non-fiction. I want to see if anyone else is doing this, for either a paper you wrote for a class or in your spare time and whether its fiction or non-fiction. Both papers I've started are fiction, I don't have the bravery to write a non-fiction paper for this class so I'd like to hear from someone who does.
Side Note: Any thoughts on proper entry length? I feel like my entries are short but I'm also not trying to write an essay for each entry.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Leonardo:
    Re your first question. If anyone has a text that they began in another class, that they want to work on in this class, I would urge you to submit it now--as is--so that I can see what you've done so far. In your author's notes, you should talk about what you want to do in revision. If you just want to "edit it" then I'm not interested in seeing it. I will only accept work continued from another class if it ends up being significantly different and better than the original work. If anyone submits a work w/out mentioning that it was begun in another class, and I later find out that it was, then I consider that an attempt to get out of doing the work of this class, i.e. "double dipping," and that is a failable offense.

    Re length of blog entries. These are two solid entries that you've made. If this is all you did in an avg. week over the semester, you would probably get a check-minus which would add up to a "C" avg. on the blog. This is meeting the requirement--just. It's two entries, they're back to back w/in less than ten minutes of ea. other. This usually suggests to me that a student logged on, made his entries, and then logged off again. You're required to read all of the other entries that were made during the week. If you want to raise your avg. to a "B" or "A," I would suggest that you make more entries, that you blog at least twice a week, and/or that you make longer entries. Also, responding to classmates' comments is a good way to increase your avg.


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