Sunday, April 5, 2020

God 1

Why is the story called "God"? What tension does that set up for you as a reader? What kind of assumption(s) do you bring to a story titled "God"?

I thought the story was strange but in the end, the entire reading exp was strange so the title did fit. I thought by the title it would be about finding or losing religion or about self-discovery of the narrator and I thought the overall thought was confusing. In fact, I kept reading thinking it would get better but it just kind of ended and I thought that I would really be reading another story.


  1. The story was kind of strange. What made you think it was about the self discovery of the narrator? thats pretty interesting. Can you elaborate on that?
    It did end pretty abruptly, I also agree with you on that.

  2. God doesn't have anything to do with God. That's just a nick name. It' has nothing to do with religion but if you look deeper, you will idealize the story has a bigger picture.

    1. I understand that "God doesn't have anything to do with God" in this story but the title just give some of us the idea that it was going to be something about religious until they read it and find out it was not what they though it would be.


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