Saturday, April 4, 2020


What is Melanie/God like as a character? What assumptions did you make about her? It's suggested at the end that she was a virgin until she had sex w/ the narrator. Was this a surprise? Or is that a cliche that the "fast" girl turned out to be a virgin?

I think Melanie was a little hard to read, it seemed like she was aloof throughout the story until the very end when she finally got upset at Oprah for admitting that he had Nutella in mind while they were together. I think I was surprised by her reaction to that. I don't see her as "fast" necessarily.  It seemed a little bit like she was on a "mission" herself. I think she's doing what typical college students do when they're away at school. Her personal style seemed unusual, maybe inspired by 80's pop star? I haven't decided yet. I guess I thought it was interesting that after partaking in the frat activities everyone kind of regarded her as some kind of honorary brother. Toward the end I guess I may have been under the impression that Oprah was the protagonist because it almost looked as if she had the power to blackmail him if she wanted to.


  1. I agree, Steph. I think that Oprah is the only character in the story who changes. He seems closest to being what I would expect an protag to be. This raises the question, though. Who, or what, is the antagonist?

  2. It's hard to tell which is the protagonist. Even though we hear the narrator "Oprah", say his thoughts throughout the entire story, to me, I think everything is most focusing on "God" So it's hard to tell the difference between whose the protagonist
    and whose the antagonist.

  3. Stephanie, I love your comment on the story. I feel like you got the gist of what the story was about. A lot of people were mentioning that they were confused because of the title of the story. I feel like you understand and you made me understand as well, because the story has nothing to do with religion. Which a lot of people stated. You made it a little more clear and I wish more people would tune in on the full story instead of just back lashing on the fact that it doesn't relate to religion or the actual Lord, God.


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